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Celebrating Milestones With Flo Rida

This morning my four year-old came downstairs triumphantly and started whistling. He's been practicing for weeks, so of course I scooped him up and gave him a big hug and kiss and told him how proud I was of him for not giving up. Then I patted myself on the back for saying all the right things and for killing it so far in the mom department so early in the day.

My son loves music and dancing and using Alexa, so he ran over and said, "Alexa, play Whistle!" I kept making his gourmet breakfast of Nutella on Eggo waffles (whole wheat of course) while Flo Rida's "Whistle" started thumping in the kitchen.

Now, I have Alexa programmed for no explicit music, but that doesn't translate to innuendos. Don't remember that catchy Whistle song from 2012? Let me refresh your memory:

Can you blow my whistle baby, whistle baby Let me know Girl I'm gonna show you how to do it And we start real slow You just put your lips together And you come real close Can you blow my whistle baby, whistle baby Here we go

Cue lots of "whistling." And my innocent son jamming in his undies and whistling to this song. And telling me the song means "come real close" so you can hear the whistling.

I have two choices: Tell him he can't play it anymore, and deal with him asking me why and trying to figure it out himself...or what I actually did:

Smile, bust out some awesome mom moves, and start whistling along with him.

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